Can Unconditional Love Save My Marriage

In the middle of a session the other day I had a powerful realization. I was asked to think of a relationship I had with something in the last week that in my mind was the ideal relationship, and to think of what it was about that relationship that made it ideal.

A number of people in the group thought of their cars, tool sheds, families, workmates, old friends, even relationships with objects such as their television remote, recliner chair, diamond jewellery or favorite pair of shoes. To each of these people, these things felt comfortable, and simple. The relationships they had with these people or objects was rewarding and easy to maintain.

To make your marriage more rewarding, cast a look over: Save My Marriage Today

When my turn came to identify my ideal relationship, I thought of my dog. My dog has very simple needs, and it is the ultimate ego-boost for me when I get home at night and I am greeted in such an enthusiastic fashion. I don’t know of any others that greet me so enthusiastically night after night. No matter how long I have been away from the house or no matter how my day has been. I call this unconditional love.

So what is unconditional love?

Unconditional love is the type of love that comes without conditions. It is the type of love that you have for your partner when the romantic, hollywood-style love is gone. Once the romantic love is gone you make the transition to "real" love. Real love is love you have for your partner despite the knowledge that they are not perfect. You know your partner has faults. You know your partner is not perfect. You know your partner makes mistakes sometimes, but that’s okay. You still love them. This is unconditional love.

The same thing applies to you however in looking at your partner’s faults. You acknowledge that you are the same. You have faults. You are not perfect. You know you make mistakes sometimes, but that’s okay. That’s called self-acceptance, and you expect unconditional love to overcome the faults and imperfections that people have.

So what do you get from this then? Should we all go out and get dogs to teach us something about unconditional love? Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt here. We all clutter our lives with trials and tribulations, and there is the temptation to let our issues rule our lives.
But if you are serious about saving your marriage you need to put the clutter to one side and let your unconditional love come through. It is okay to have faults and make mistakes. And love will conquer them all.

Have a think about unconditional love and how you can apply this realization to your relationship.

When Communication Breaks Down in Your Marriage

It happens to the best of us. Communication is such a fickle thing, and the lines of communication can become blurred every so often, especially when feelings are involved. Even those who think that they are immune to the confusion of conflict can find themselves drawn into a communication breakdown when they least expect it, and chaos ensues.

This happened to a friend on the weekend, and until to be quite honest, it took them by surprise. Even those of us who are better equipped than many others are not immune. A few cutting words from a loved one, hurt feelings, and a defensive retort that left both with regrets. It was a silly argument, over something as simple as a misplaced bottle of soda, the lid off the juice, or newspapers not picked up. But to them, it represented something much deeper that had been simmering away for a couple of weeks until the frustration reached breaking point.
If you feel your relationship is at breaking point, you can get relief right now by checking out: Save My Marriage Today

There was intense frustration at having to search for something when it is not where it was expected to be. Worse still when one person shifted it and the other didn't know the first place to begin searching.
Searching for that particular shirt or needles and thread, lost car keys, a document missing from a drawer, missing covers for the outdoor chairs, all were examples of instances where the house had to be turned upside-down. A moment's thought or a supportive reply when these things were discussed would have saved a lot of time and frustration. And the answer that was received? "You need to open your eyes and organize yourself better"
This off-hand comment characterized the undercurrent of misunderstanding and lack of compassion that had been running through the relationship for quite some time. One partner did the majority of the household chores and felt aggrieved that their efforts weren't recognized.
Praise or gratitude was not expected, but simple recognition was. Getting told that "I don’t expect you to tidy the house or cook my dinner every night" was interpreted by my friend as ingratitude, and hurt her even more.

So where to from here? My friend's partner felt guilty at coming home every night to the perfect household, whereas she felt guilty if it wasn’t perfect. It was never about her trying to make him feel guilty, but it seems it did. And this is where the communication fell down. He misinterpreted my friend's efforts, and she in turn misinterpreted his response.
Communication, communication, communication. My friend needed to be considered when things were not put back in their place. When two people live together it involves and adjustment in routines, habits, and attitudes. Some consideration of her feelings needed to be taken into account in order for the relationship to move forward.

There was a need to voice frustrations before they get to boiling point. What was needed was a commitment to talking about feelings more often, and in such a way that both partners could do so without judgment or consequence. Open communication was the key to their success, rather than suppressing feelings.

When people feel guilt or stress, it leads them to act funny ways. Often stress and guilt are barriers to communication. The key to overcoming them is to recognize what it is, and have the courage to talk about it. You might be able to do it as a couple, or you might want the help of a friend who can listen to the way you are communicating with each other and offer insights and advice.
They got it sorted out, and kissed and hugged. It wouldn’t hurt so much if you didn’t feel such love at the same time. But it serves as a good reminder to all. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in your own emotions that you forget to think of the other person. You also need to entertain the possibility that you are misinterpreting each other. Talking about it is the way to expose the miscommunication and let the healing begin.

A problem shared is a problem halved...

How to Save A Marriage

After few years of marriage some conflicts between the couples may arise and married life may become stressful. How will you come to know that your marriage is in crisis? There are some reasons responsible for disturbed married life such as alcohol abuse, difficulty with children, financial problems, a situation when both the partners are unfaithful, major life changes and problems with fertility.

The marital relationships may be affected by the broken trust, boredom, infidelity, poor communication, lack of appreciation, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex and no affection. When the marriage is in trouble, you should try to find out the solutions of how to save a marriage. 

When you realize that something is wrong with your married life, don’t just think how to save a marriage, but immediately look for the solution. You try to find out the problems and adopt some qualities to save your marriage and to stop the divorce. There are always some hopes and ways to resolve the problems your marriage. The conflicts in married life may be due to ego or some misunderstandings.

Hence, to maintain healthy relationships, you should give up ego and should take an initiative to resolve the problems in your married life. Self-assessment is a very important step to save your marriage. You should be able to think about your mistakes and develop an improvement in your behavior. Avoid doing those things that can hurt your partner.

There are some beneficial options for the problem of how to save a marriage. If you want to be a good partner, you should have a capacity to listen to your partner and understand him/her. You should be able to keep calm and talk through the problem. When your partner is talking with you, you should ask the related questions and clarify all doubts.

Good communication is a very important factor for developing the healthy relationships. You should share all problems and feelings with your partner. The most important thing is that you should fully trust your partner and never be jealous about his/her personal and professional progress.

Your approach towards your relationships and married life should be positive. Whenever there are some problems or bitterness, remember the happy moments that you had spent together and try to reignite these moments. When there are some problems, don’t get disturbed or panic, just stay calm. Whenever you lose your temper during the arguments, you generally tend to say and do the things that you actually didn’t mean.

One of the best ways to save a marriage is to create long-term plans with your partner. Make some plans to spend the vacations at good picnic spot. Some future plans that are made together may help to increase the intimacy. It will assure that your partner is always there for you.

Your overall personality and hygiene also have great impact on your married life. Hence, try to be always presentable that your partner likes and adopt hygienic habits. How to save a Marriage should not be a problematic issue at all.

Try some of above solutions and make your married life hassle-free and pleasant one.

Why You Should Save Your Marriage At All Costs

Every individual dreams about the happy and long-lasting married life. However, after a cheerful start of married life, there may be rise of some conflicts and bitterness. The couple starts to fight with each other for simple reasons. Sometimes the bitterness crosses the limits of tolerance and both the partners find it difficult to live with each other.

As a result, they tend to think of getting separated. Before taking any final decision, you should think about the consequences of separation. If you realize the importance of marriage, you may think wisely to save your marriage at all costs.

Marriage is considered as a lifelong bond which brings a man and a woman together and makes their relationships strong. It has a great importance in the life of every human being as it gives personal and social stability. Marriage is also necessary to satisfy your emotional and physical needs. In some countries, living a single is not accepted by the society and a person living alone does not get social status. The person having a successful married life gets social prestige. Marriage makes the life of human being a complete one.

It is not easy for a man or a woman to live alone whole life. You need someone to share your feelings, to help and support you through sadness and happiness. It helps the person to come out of hectic lifestyle and enjoy some wonderful moments in the life. It is a pleasant feeling that the person you love the most is always with you.

For the women, it is not just living together, but it offers secure and prestigious status in the society. Besides that, the marriage is also necessary to carry on the lineage of the family. Hence, although there are some problems in your married life, always try to save your marriage at all costs.

Separation may give rise to the personal, psychological and economical problems for both the partners. You may lose your social and economical stability after the separation. In some countries, separation is allowed according to religion. Breaking of a marriage is not good for the sake of children.

Separation of the parents may leave adverse psychological effects on the tender minds of children as they love and need both the parents equally. The children may get mentally and physically disturbed, due to which their future may get spoiled. Hence, you should try to save your marriage at all costs.

Once you decide to save your marriage at all costs, you should work on finding out the ways to resolve the problems in your married life. The first important step that you should take is to find out the reasons of conflicts. When you come to know about that, you can find the solutions and may try various options. You can try to solve the marital problems by talking with each other.

You should express an intense passion for each other because if you are successful in developing love for each other, then other problems can be immediately solved. You may take advice from your friends or family and can take the help of marriage counselling.

How To Make Your Wife Love You

It is not a difficult thing to make your wife love you, just treat her like a princess, just like prince charming would.My best advice is to go back to your dating days and bring back all the good memories that really made you happy before you got married. Marriage is an intimate relationship of two people which keeps them connected together. You should not wait for your marriage to be in danger before you decide do the right thing.

Marriage is not a not a one-way traffic where the wife gives and gives; Many men become too relax and complacent hurting the woman in the lives and losing their love. Today, numerous men are beginning to realize this and are trying to save their marriage.

Regardless of age and gender, today everybody is realizing the importance of marriage and trying to save it if it is in trouble. Making your wife love you can be successful by adopting good qualities and avoiding some things. True love for your partner is a strong base for a successful married life. Every woman expects that her husband should be caring and romantic.

She will be pleased if her husband expresses his passion for his wife by offering her surprise gifts, writing romantic poems, going to see the romantic movies with her or taking her for surprise lunch or dinner.

To make your wife love you, remember that good communication between you two is very necessary to maintain the healthy relationships. For that, the husband should keep aside some time from his busy schedule to spend it with his wife. He should be able to listen to and understand the feelings and problems of his wife. If both feel that their marital relationships are getting boring, then the husband may take an initiative and plan for outing to spend the long-term vacations. 

Trust and faith is a basic factor of married life and faithlessness can create the problems in married life. Hence, men who want their wife to love them should be committed towards their wife and try not to give a chance for misunderstandings. Even if the husband goes as far as having an extra-marital affair, he should apologize and promise to stop the affair.

Treat and respect your wife with Love. Do not be abusive in any form. Living with an abusive husband is a very stressful and embarrassing situation for every individual. Physical, emotional or economical abuse can affect the physiological and physical status of a person and the effects may be longer-lasting. Husband’s abusive behavior can cause conflicts and bitterness due to which your marriage may be in trouble.

If you want to make your wife love you, then you have to show her love first. Do not hesitate to tell her often how deeply you are in love with her and show her by your actions too. 

Improve Your Marriage by Staying a Couple

Do you remember when you and your spouse were dating? It seemed as if you both couldn’t get enough of each other. You most likely spent time holding hands, smiling at each other, whispering in one another’s ears and all kinds of small little actions that kept your love exciting and new. Once a couple becomes married, they tend to stop doing those loving things after some time. Life becomes busy- you’re walking too fast to get somewhere to hold hands, she knows you love her so you don’t think you have to tell her, she might be offended if you order for her at a restaurant and so on. It is very easy to fall out of the habits of ‘couples’. It can be just as easy to fall back in the habit if you give it a try.

When you go anywhere together, start putting your arm in his or take her arm and enter that way- enter as a couple. Even before that, make sure you never walk without holding his or her hand. Take a look at elderly couples that have obviously been married a long time. They still hold hands.

After living together for some time, it is most likely that you have accumulated some of the same types of clothing. Intentionally match your outfits now and then! If you don’t want to go that far, buy matching coats or caps and wear those when you are out together. It doesn’t have to be every time you leave the house, but every once in a while should be fun!

When you take your wife out, it’s still okay to do the traditional things men used to do for women. Although feminism is very real and should be taken seriously, there is nothing wrong with holding the door open for your wife or pulling her chair out for her to sit at the table. These are not signs of a weak woman who cannot do it herself. You are showing her respect each time that you make a gesture like that.

Flirt subtly with each other whenever you feel like it! You don’t have to be out to dinner or at a party to flirt with each other. Do it at home while you’re cleaning the kitchen or while he or she’s reading a book. Walk by and whisper their pet name in their ear or plant a kiss on his or her neck. Make eye contact and wink or offer a seductive smile. Take the initiative and do what comes naturally.

For those who are uncomfortable with public displays of affection or even private displays of affection, give it a try. If you find that you are unable to enjoy little attempts at being affectionate, you might want to seek counseling to discover why it makes you feel that way. If you and your spouse are happy without that type of affection, more power to you but it is unlikely that both of you are content. It doesn’t hurt to try and the worst that can happen is that you might actually like it!

Importance of communication in Saving a Marriage

Marriage problems can sometimes be stressful and difficult to overcome for everyone. It is very painful to know that you are losing the person you deeply love. However, you may have an opportunity to do something and save your marital relationships. First of all, what you should do is to understand the problems in marriage and its reasons. Once you come to know about it, you will be able to overcome them. If you are thinking of seeking other’s help to save my marriage, you should first try to do it with some honest efforts along with your partner.

When you realize that the problems in your married life are increasing, you get disturbed and your mind cries out help to save my marriage. But don’t make your partner to know that your have got terrified and panic, remain calm and think about how to control the situation. You should first try to solve the problems and conflicts in your married life before let other people know about it.

Good communication between the couple is very essential to understand each other. If they openly talk with each other about the problems and differences, it may help to clear the misunderstandings and conflicts.

After you talk with each other and still feel that it doesn’t work, then you can seek advice from your family, friends or religious leaders. If you think that your communication is not enough to save your relationships and you strongly wish to do it, you may take help of other people you trust and say- help to save my marriage.

Your family or friends might help you understand the problems and give some suggestions about how to solve them. You may realize your mistakes after talking with them and can try to correct them. You can observe the marital relationships of others and make some improvement in yourself. Your family and friends may advise you about the emotional and behavioral changes which may prove beneficial one. But, before applying any advice into practice, you should confirm about whether the advice is appropriate or not as any wrong advice can destroy the relationships.

If you are still not satisfactory, you can try for marriage counseling. You may go to counselor’s office and request him-help to save my marriage. Both the partners should attend the counseling which can be an effective tool to improve their relationships. The couples should openly discuss about their marriage problems to get an appropriate solution. Marriage counseling could help the couples to improve their communication skills, help to uncover some other problems or issues, find out the differences and understand the troubles.

It offers a good opportunity to the couples to share their feelings and helps to clear the misunderstanding. Many people are found to be successful in resolving their marriage problems after participating in couple retreats or marriage seminars.

If someone comes to you and say help to save my marriage, you will be able to give him/her good suggestions about resolving the problems and saving their married life.

How To Save Your Marriage and Stop a Divorce

First, if you were the one who made the decision to end the marriage and now you wonder, how can I stop my divorce? you should realize that you’re in a much better position than most people trying to save their relationships.  You’ll need to swallow your pride and go to your spouse with an apology.  Explain that you acted hastily and that now you regret it.  Explain that you no longer want the divorce, and maybe even that you never wanted it but you spoke out of anger and you were wrong.

This might seem a difficult step, but it’s necessary.  Since you were the one to bring up the issue of divorce, your spouse might have started seriously considering and thinking that it’s a good idea, too.  When you want to know, “How to stop my divorce,” you need to discover what your spouse thinks of the idea and make it clear that you were wrong.  Unless they’ve had a lot of time and reason to decide that you were right and divorce is the best step, you can probably save the marriage just by admitting you made a mistake.

If you’re wondering, “How can I stop my divorce when I didn’t want it in the first place,” then you have your work cut out for you.  You can explain, without judgment or accusations, that you think the marriage is worth saving and that you don’t want a divorce.  Chances are that you’ve done this, more than once.  But the way you say it can make a difference. 

It’s important for you to be very mature and calm about it.  That’s not always easy to do.  Divorce is an emotional and painful thing.  But it’s one thing to cry while explaining that you want to stay married, and entirely another to yell or dissolve into hysterics.  If you scream, accuse or point fingers at your spouse, you’re giving him or her even more reason to want to get away from you. If you want to learn ‘how to stop my divorce’ you have to let go of the anger and resentment you feel toward your spouse for ever suggesting it in the first place.

You also have to be willing to work on your problems. You must agree that the relationship can’t go back to the way it was, but must change for the better.  Suggest marital counseling.  Explain, “I want to stop my divorce,” but make it clear you know your spouse was unhappy with the way things were, and you’re ready to make them better.

Can You Save A Marriage Alone? Going It all Alone

The unfortunate question asked by the plenty of people. Today, many couples are facing some or the other problems in their married life. The first few years of married life are cheerful, but after some years, problems may arise due to conflicts along with bitterness and some misunderstanding. Generally, nobody directly thinks of breaking a marriage as it is hurting to both the partners. Every couple tries to find out some ways to resolve the problems in their married life and save a marriage.

Once you agree that there are some problems in your married life, you may need to think and find the reasons why. Off-course, it will be just like a one-way traffic and it is quiet difficult that you alone should try to improve your relations. Your partner should equally respond to your efforts to save your marriage. However, you must make some efforts to find out the problems in your married life and develop some qualities within you to maintain better relationships.

The first step you may need to take in order to save your marriage is to bring back the spark in your relationship again. It is very important to spend time with each other. You may use this time to relax and enjoy in each other’s company and recall the moments that you had spent together.

This may help to do away with the misunderstandings and resolve the conflict if any. You should show deep love for your partner and make him/her feel how much you need him/her. Love is an important bridge in a married life that may keep the couple bound together. You may send a romantic message to your partner or arrange for the romantic outings.

Self-assessment is a very important solution to the question can you save a marriage alone. You should be able to realize your mistakes and develop ways to improve your behavior. Avoid the things that may hurt your partner. The conflicts in married life may be due to ego or some misunderstandings. Hence, you should give away your ego and should take an initiative to resolve the problems in your married life. You should be ready for the compromises it demands.

Good communication is a very important factor for developing healthy relationships. You should share all your problems, expectations and feelings with your partner. Communication is not limited to just talking with others, but you should be able to listen to your partner and understand him/ her. The most important thing is that you should fully trust your partner and have faith in your relationship.

Keeping the marital relations alive is very challenging. Always remember that during the course of time, both the partners may change. It is also very important to learn how to deal with these changes. Off-course, it requires efforts and cooperation from both sides. But, you can take an initiative from your side and start to work on the problems in married life.

If you are still wondering, can you save a marriage alone, and then the answer is yes! You can save a marriage alone if you are ready to put in some efforts first.

5 Ways You Can Save Your Marriage

Marriage is one of the happiest and memorable moments in our lives. It is a union of not only two individuals, but also of two different upbringings and cultures. After a cheerful start of married life, there might be a possibility or beginning of some conflicts. These may be due to some misunderstandings, ego or other personal problems. Sometimes the bitterness in the relation crosses the tolerance level that the couples think of getting separated.

However, a divorce affects the personal and social lives of both the partners. You will be surprised to know that your marriage problems can be resolved. Here are 5 ways to save a marriage that can be effectively implemented in your married life.

The first step to resolve the marriage problems is to agree that they exist. You should be honest with yourself, should be able to identify the differences in your relationships and try to improve them. If your try to go away from the issues, they will never be solved. Accept the situation as it is and be prepared for the challenges which may lie ahead.

It is said that you cannot fight the enemy that you cannot see. This philosophy is absolutely true in case of marriages. If you feel that your husband has changed the way of interaction, then find out the reasons behind it. The best solution is to start the conversation with your spouse and give him several opportunities to ‘open up’. Keep your ears and mind open for the subtle hints from his conversation.

Saving your marriage is not merely solving the problems. Reigniting your love for each other is one of the effective 5 ways to save a marriage. You can express your passion for your partner with special dates or surprises. Remember the most romantic times you spent together and recreate them with an addition of a unique approach.

Give some time for each other to share the feelings. The purpose is to grab the attention of your partner and make your relationships healthy with natural attraction. If you are successful in developing the passion for each other, then other problems can be immediately solved.

There may be many obstacles when you are trying to fix the relationships. It might be difficult for you to communicate with your husband or you may be facing outside pressures from the family which may prevent you to focus on your goals. Even after facing these barriers, you should be persistent on your aims. If one approach fails, you can try another approach that may work. You should be able to handle the conflicts safely.

One of the important steps among 5 ways to save a marriage is to seek the right advice from your friends and family. You should try to get an expert advice from counseling sessions or books before you take any major decision. A wise advice can save your marriage, while bad advice may ruin it.

Knowing about 5 ways to save a marriage, you would be able to resolve the problems if any in your marriage and live a happy married life.

Evaluating your Relationship: What's your Score Card?

Everyone dreaded report card day in school and if you are dreading making your own relationship report card, then you need to buckle down and study! When you rank all of the aspects of your relationship between you and your spouse, you need to score in the high nineties to achieve an A+. Consider creating a ‘relationship report card’ with your spouse and watch the awakening you will both experience. When you try to complete your relationship report card, it should not turn into a ‘blame game’. It should open the lines of communication and offer some invaluable insight into your relationship as to where you need changes and improvements.

When you consider how you want to grade your partner and yourself, it is a good idea to have some pre-set guidelines as to what each grade means. For example, an ‘A’ might mean that your partner isn’t perfect, but obviously excelling. It could also mean that your partner is loving, attentive, enthusiastic and satisfying. A ‘B’ could stand for a partner who is always trying, better than most and consistently works on improvement. A ‘C’ might mean average or acceptable. ‘C’s’ always indicate plenty of room for improvement. ‘D’s’ and ‘F’s’ should be reserved for unhappy situations or even hopeless ones. ‘D’s’ indicate never hopeless while ‘F’s’ require more than just a relationship evaluation. If you find that you and your spouse have areas with a ‘D’ or an ‘F’, you need to focus on why you are giving or receiving those grades and commit to some kind of action in order to change and improve that grade. It might involve a commitment on both spouses, but if both are willing to work at it the grade is already moving higher.

When you begin working on your relationship report card, it should be graded the same way your school papers were graded with a number grade (ex. 80%, 50%, 95% and so on). Grade both your partner and yourself in areas like affection, ability to resolve conflict, attitude, commitment, communication skills, consideration level, thinking as a ‘couple’, creativity, sensitivity, flexibility, generosity, friendship and gift giving skills. Once you’ve completed that list, continue to evaluate your honesty levels, listening skills, household management skills, patience, love making, romance abilities and practice, playfulness, self-esteem, self-awareness, sense of humor, empathy, tolerance and spontaneity. If you feel that there are any other areas relevant to your particular relationship, feel free to add and evaluate at your discretion.

When you and your spouse are grading each other, be sure to both participate in grading. You can work out your own particulars, but make sure you both have a say in both of your grades. Compare and talk about your grades and why your partner believes you deserve a particular grade (this includes the good grades, too!). You’ll be surprised at how your partner sees your relationship and you’ll have invaluable insight into how he or she sees your role in the relationship. Just because you may not have earned an A+ in one area doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate. Pat yourself (and your partner) on the back for anything over a ‘B’ and talk about ways you can improve on any ‘C’s’ and ‘D’s’.

Define your marriage: Companionship or a Love Affair?

Every marriage is just like any relationship.  They have their ups and downs, agreements and disagreements and good days and bad days.  When you put two people from different backgrounds with different ideas, feelings and expectations together, you simply can’t expect everything to be wonderful all of the time!  While some marriages have very serious problems that can only be solved by intense focus and even therapy, most marriages simply become ‘stale’ or uninteresting. 

It is important to reflect on exactly what is causing any conflict or uneasiness in a marriage before acting on it.  In a great many marriages, the excitement and ‘take my breath away’ feelings are fading or they are even gone.  It doesn’t mean that the love is gone.  Love sometimes needs a little stimulation in order to revisit and maintain the feelings we all crave and yearn for.  That stimulation is called ‘romance.’

Many people mistake a marriage that seems to be ordinary or unexceptional as lacking love.  It simply isn’t the case!  Most marriages do not lack love, but they do lack romance!  Love is easy and peaceful, while romance is what makes a relationship hot and arousing. 

Every single person on earth in any type of relationship desires passion and romance in his or her life.  Unfortunately, there are a few things about romance most people don’t understand.  The most common problem in creating romance in a relationship is that people simply don’t know how to do it!  Other times, people are fixed in cultural classifications and their partners are unable to appreciate them for their own special and unique qualities.  Ultimately, some people have simply given up on their search for romance.

In a time where everything is convenient and available almost at the touch of a button, the effort of romance seems as if it takes a good deal of effort.  It is very possible to take some old-fashioned romantic ideas and make them work in a modern world while maintaining the genuine intention behind each thought and act.  Romance today can be filled with unique ideas, creativity and passion.  Romance is simply the way you express your love for another person.  It is vital to keeping love fresh, exciting and alive.  Without romance, love can become tiresome and even worse.

The expression of love through romance keeps it alive, fun and worthwhile.  Romance is only true, though, when carried out with no ulterior motives.  The only reason romance should be initiated is in an attempt to show love and appreciation.  Romance with true intentions is when you want to show your mate that you are thinking about them and they matter enough to make the effort to bring your love to life through action.

Romance is more like an artistic creation as opposed to an exact science.  Those who tend to feel competitive in almost everything they do will need to check that attitude at the door when initiating romance.  Love and romance should not be considered a contest that should be outdone time and again.  It should be considered a cooperative activity.  While love and romance take two in order to work, you can be extremely romantic while still keeping your individuality.  Love and romance make perfect partners and can make you and your partner ‘perfect’ companions as well!